the saddest blog that ever was
Gallery of fierces: the Fever, the Fugue, A Letter:
dear dear, last night i dreamt of jellyfish tentacles again, all translucent and gooey-juicy. They burst over the skein of time unfurling as a dream over night, the Fates furiously spinning, the Furies running backwards in time. Then a bowl of oranges, humbleness, litugies on toes as hard as the air in my hollow bones. Aviary felicity: the rapture of the archaeoptryx, the secret inside. The promise held as a ripening in the hand, an avocado, a tomato, the roots of a tree bearing some sort of great knotty, gnarled fruit. Such is the troth of dreams which I believe in. Come, let us eat.
Blog // 3:08 PM