the saddest blog that ever was


Series: The Sea


Striped bass tails,
scales glimmering.
You hung them by the door
that day, perplexed
at the ingenuity of aquatic construction
to be transformed
into the jellied delicacies
of some far off plate.

Such an effusive marvelling
wonder in dovetails fanning out
mimicking the tiny delicate bones
splayed in a caress of jointed architecture
held in your palms
still warm and moist from the heat.
Is it not like us, our orchestrations of love
merely a terrestrial forgery, amphibious plunder?

The effort of hauling in the sea
tires you, salt crusted round fingernails
rimmed in dirt, in oil, the
unctous mucosae of transparent membranes
slipped off their anchoring skin.
Such is the glue of oceans
(coming apart in our hands, our tongues
mouths upon the flesh of the world).

Blog // 2:43 PM


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