the saddest blog that ever was


a love from september of 2004, written in form:

"Francois-Marie Arouet V. has deflections (which cause us to make light of our misery) in mind when he ends Candide with the advice to cultivate one's garden." we are, the son of an "impecunious merchant."


i can gouge out my heart but i cannot give up my eyes, i can give up my love but i cannot live and be blind, fumbling in the darkness cursing for sight.

but here, the dimness diminishes from fires inside. our cave we can carry with palms out and tied, light creeping in despite vigilance patrolling the lines.

at the mouth when orpheus turned back the tide, persephone's wrath merely a moment in time, it was i, eurydice who stood there and cried: "to the ends of the earth i follow you, 'till i die, i die."

he, taken away, forgets to wave his lover good-bye.

Blog // 2:11 AM


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