the saddest blog that ever was


The road to greatness is laid with paving stones of pain
round and cobbled and hobbling and paved paved paved
knees knocked and legs bowed and fingers spread to the hilt, of
swords drawn to the quick, faster than sdrows, longer than vowels, quicker than words.
words sharper than knives, slicing through lives lighter than birds
some words nimbler than toes others nibble at most:
like a sigh and asides and besides who breathes least who belies

The lives of the saints, who get short shrift these days.
Lips slip in the tongue’s cheek and all the useless words parlayed,
the lies, they no longer seem so bold.
Such are the destinies of the infirm and the old.
The children, the children wandering these cobblestone streets
who will read to these poor orphans, feed and clothe all the weak?
Weeks pass and no word, no words to hold, us like sobbing infants
waiting for our stories to be told

All my life I’ve stood on concrete
watched the small words gather moss on the stones
guarded their goodness against gods great and small
slew those who tripped up my six-stringed sword
ripped out their cords and had them hung at the door.
Nothing so beautiful as silence, golden evermore.
Slept in the den of lions, and heard them roar.

Tonight I just want to roll up the sleeves,
Cast out the lost lots and lots lost
Say “good-night” to irony
Go home to a bed paved with warm slices of bread
Tea in a cup by a book to be read
But the road to greatness is laid with pain
Paved with the slaves to the word of the day
Who die at the altar and live by the grave.


On the show in May of 2007:

Felt as if it weighed ten thousand pounds.
How could anything in heaven be so heavy.
The drums. It comes down,
Falls and crushes you:
The lightest wave
Is a roll and tap of the hand.
We are crushed by nothing.

Blog // 3:00 AM


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